Thursday, March 15, 2012

Baby boomers and style

This morning on the Today show they did a story about how baby boomers are defining style.

Meet 90 year-old Iris Apfel, the new face of MAC.  Truly a woman with style. 

The two other guests in the segment were Donnie Deutch, an expert on media, and Valerie Ramsey; a gorgeous 72 year old model and author of Gracefully: Looking and Being your Best at any Age

But, another name for this post could be: "one of these things is not  like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong. 

Yesterday while shopping with my daughters we noticed a girl following us around on the street.  She stopped us and asked if she could interview me for her column, Style Scout, in the Lawrence Journal World:

Clearly a misfit, and such a silly coincidence.  I can only hope and pray that I look as fantastic as these two women do when I am their age.  Pretty good role models I think!

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